The King in New York

This weekend celebrates the 80th anniversary of the release of King Kong, which is my favorite movie. I am joining a group of people in New York to be part of the celebrations; a tour of the empire state Building, the sole remaining section of elevated trainway and a big screen showing of a motion picture print of Kong at the Film Forum.

Other stuff as well, but those are the highlights.

Hard to explain why this is my favorite movie, its old and has issues in todays refined cinema outlook. I can remember the first time I saw it at my Grandmothers apartment at the Legion Gardens and i was about 9 years old. Various books and magazines followed and i started collection everything I could find and have a pretty good collection of material.

As a bonus, I am staying at the Algonquin hotel, home of the Algonquin roundtable made famous in the day because of the high caliber wits who held court there.

When i can remember how to post pics here I will.